Saturday, March 20, 2010

Lessons Learned #35-40: Language Differences

35. Rubber= eraser (Completely different meaning back home)

36. Jumper= any type of sweater or sweatshirt (This includes zip-ups and cardigans)

37. Series= season (when talking about T.V. shows. For example: Storm Over Paradise series 2 really means season 2)

38. Anything can have bad manners or be told to stop behaving badly. (For example: When James was washing dishes in the sink and the water stopped he proclaimed that "The water has bad manners. It is not coming out." and again when we were playing cards in the hospital last night and he could not get then all straight "These cards are behaving badly.")

39. Courgette= zucchini (This is the same in the UK)

40. Aubergine= eggplant (Also the same in the UK. Thinking about it I'm not sure why they are called eggplants. They don't have any egg-like properties)

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