Friday, April 16, 2010

Lessons Learned: Extra Credit

Wrestling is completely and without question real. It must be watched with complete undivided attention.

Foreign soap operas captivate the country. Again, everything people do in these soap operas actually happens. With names like The Promise, Shades Of Sin, Storm Over Paradise, Mari Mar, and The Wind of Promise, how can you not get sucked in?

To "catch" something is to hold something. Some of the kids ask me to "Catch this for me" or "Catch your hair".

When someone tells you that you have increased or have become bigger, it is supposed to be a compliment. So basically when people tell you that you have become fat, take it as a good thing. Try to anyway. If you look upset after it is said, they will try to apologize but the damage has already been done.

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely right on this !! One should not be de motivated because of this !
